Monday, March 14, 2005

On this day

Laughter. Quest. Fun. Yawn. Hurt. Dreams. Disappointment. Help.
Glee. Pain. Naughty. Bored. Void. Chatter. Love. Pretend. Learn.
Rush. Own. Nibble. Arguments. Miss. Care. Judge. Enjoy. Like.
Verity. Wonder. Know. Quiver. Spellbound. Jovial. Sing.
Excitement. Flatter. Tired. Upset. Yap. Joy. Advise. Blush.
Owe. Amnesia. Yell. Elated. Romance. Weep. Dance. Possessive.
Umbrage. Fluster. Affection. Nerve. Fights. Xcel. Suspense.
Ramble. Pray. Mad. Kind. Fresh. Anger. Busy. Zest. Moody.
Sick. Sober. Zeal. Separation. Overwhelm. Knack.
Surprises. Queen. Insane. Teach. Irritated. Giggle. Sob. Wait.
Yearn. Snivel. Vow. Enthuse.

“There is always something
you can be thankful for”

Glad that I’m here today to have felt them and more.

God bless !