Hope never dies

He is hoping that everything would get fine at his home. His wife would start to understand him. He would understand his wife and bring peace back home. His daughter would have a happy family to grow with. His mother would be happy to be with her son.
He is trying his best to make things right and hoping for the best.
Hope never dies.
She hopes that she can be with him. Be an understanding partner and give him mental solace. Grow old together. No, why such thoughts. She hopes that she didn’t meet him at all. If she hadn’t met him, she wouldn’t be in this situation. He is genuine. She can’t let other thoughts develop over him.
She just hopes for the best, but whether for her own good or for him, is something she is unsure of.
Hope never dies.
He is unable to figure out what is wrong at which front. Everything was right, if not perfectly right, but right to an extent. Where is the flaw that the whole picture seems to be going out of sync? He hopes that he wouldn’t lose his confidence and he would be able to fight it out. He wishes it would fall in place.
He hopes for the best.
Hope never dies.
Cloud of confusion seems to be clearing for her. She can hope, but what can and should happen will happen, not all what she dreams. She has no right to make him feel guilty or add up to the mental confusion he is in. Though she still wants him, she should not express it out. Its better to mask it and bury within her than to share it and hurt the other. Let the hurt be borne by her. Hope never dies.
But the hope in her mind should die. But is that what she wants??
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